It’s quickly approaching Holiday Season in the US and with that prime time for ecommerce website owners to make some extra sales.
And prime time for hackers to attack your site and install malware to steal credit card information.
Please make sure your ecommerce site is prepared ahead of time this year, double checking with your developer on last minute updates.
While you should be making sure your website is up to date all the time, many seasonal business don’t check and get caught at the worst time possible by a new vulnerability or targeted hack.
So, if you are running ANY CMS, please make sure it’s updated to the latest version. This includes any Themes, Plugins or extensions your site may be using.
If you are a seasonal business, doing this ahead of time incase something isn’t working properly after the update gives you a little more breathing room.
And one of the most impactful, beneficial security advice…
Please, install a Web application firewall. A DNS one preferrably. Something like Cloudflare (FREE) or Imperva. They reside at the DNS level, preventing the majority of direct attacks (by hiding your web hosting IP address).
These systems as monitored non stop and use machine learning to identify and block bad bots and malicious attacks.
Article Excerpt: Shopping season is here, and so is the opportunity for ecommerce site owners to grow their business and generate revenue. In lieu of the changing global ecommerce climate that this pandemic has produced, comes the importance of securing your website to protect your users — and your revenue streams.
Your online customers depend on you to protect their data implicitly. As an ecommerce website owner, you’re required to follow the PCI-DSS compliance requirements to securely handle cardholder information — even if you don’t process the payments yourself.
Continue reading Securing Your Online Store for the Holidays at Sucuri Blog.